Enter General Information About Employee Survey


This activity is used to create an employee survey and enter its general information. You will not be allowed to change the person responsible for the survey after the survey is published.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Survey window and click New.
  2. Enter the identifier for the survey in the Survey ID field.
  3. Enter the name of the survey and its description in the Survey Name and Description fields.
  4. Enter the person ID of the employee responsible for the survey in the Responsible field by using List of Values.
  5. Enter the closing date and time of the survey in the Closing Date field.
  6. If you want the answers to the survey questions to be viewed without disclosing the identity of the participant employee, select the Anonymous check box.
  7. If you want the participant employees to access the published survey using only their master employment, select the Master Employees Only check box.
  8. If you want the survey to be answered only by the Mobile Device, select the Mobile Survey check box.
  9. Enter an introduction text and an ending text in their respective fields. This text will appear in the published survey.

Note : You can use right mouse button option Copy Survey, if you wish to create similar record with questions, participants and WO Integration.