Register Aggregate Gap Analysis


This activity is used to register and define a configuration for the analysis that you can perform later. The analysis works by comparing qualifications of a person to whatever is defined as a required qualification level. For example, if you want to compare qualifications of a person to what their current job requires, you need to select the Current Job check box. Every qualification (e.g. English Language) can be divided into several levels (e.g., Basic, Advanced, Expert) and if the person has a lower qualification level (e.g. Basic) then what is required by the job (e.g. Expert) then they have a gap. The gap is calculated using points assigned to each level. Lets assume that the Basic level has 1 point, Advanced 2 points, and Expert 10 points. In case of our example, the point difference would be calculated as follows: 1(points of a person) - 10(job requirement) = -9 points, meaning there is a gap of 9 points for English Language.


There are no prerequisites, but for analysis to give meaningful results, a job structure should be defined in the company.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an aggregate gap analysis will be defined and registered in the system.


Aggregate Gap Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Aggregate Gap Analysis


  1. Open the Aggregate Gap Analysis window and add a new record.
  2. In the Analysis Name field, enter the name for the analysis. Then proceed to defining the details for the analysis.
  3. You can select the Current Jobs check box if you want to compare qualifications of people who will be analyzed with qualifications required by their jobs.
  4. You can select the Future Jobs check box if you want to analyze if selected persons have any competency gaps in regards to their future job assignments.
  5. You can select the Specific Parameter check box if you want to analyze if selected persons have any competency gaps when compared to a parameter which you can select below. If you select this check box:
  6. In the Comparison Criteria area, you can select the Core Competencies and Certificates Only check box, if you want to only analyze competencies and certificates defined as Core for a specific job.
  7. You can select the Use Gap Tolerance check box if you want analysis to consider gap tolerance. If selected, some tabs will not show that a person has a gap, even if they do, if only the gap falls within predefined tolerable limit.
  8. Save your analysis configuration.