Register Address and Communication Methods


This activity is used to maintain person's personal address, personal communication methods and company related communication methods. When a person ID is selected for the employee at the time of their registration in the system, the address and communication method information are automatically synchronized between Employee File and Personal File windows.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

When the data has been changed and saved they are immediately available.


Employee File/Personal/Address
Personal File

Related Window Descriptions

Personal File/General/Address


  1. Open the Employee File or Personal File window and query for the employee for whom you need to register the address and the communication method.
  2. In the Employee/Personal/Address tab (or General/Address tab), enter a value in the Personal Address ID field.
  3. Select a country from the list.
  4. Click Edit Address to the right of the Address field (or right-click the Address field and click Edit) to open the Address dialog box. Enter the addresses in the Address 1 and Address 2 fields and click OK
  5. Enter the address types in the Address Type field which will correspond to the address and select the Default check box if the address is the default for the address types.
    Note: The default address type is unique to an address. More than one address ID cannot have the same default address type.
  6. Specify the period during which the entered address is valid by entering values in the Valid From and Valid To fields if necessary.
  7. Create a new record in the table for communication methods.
  8. Select a communication method from the list and enter an address for the selected method in the Communication Address field.
  9. Select the Default check box if you want the communication method with the specified address to be the default communication method for the employee.
  10. If you want the communication method to be valid for a specified time, enter values in the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  11. Enter the company ID and company office if necessary.
  12. Save the record.

Note: If the Detailed Address check box is selected in the Address Setup Per Country window for the country code used by the person selected for the employee, the Person Address Details dialog box would appear at the time of saving the address and communication method information entered. Enter the street, the house number, the flat number, the community and the district of the company if necessary, and click OK to close the dialog box.