Manage Access to Selected Type of Information


This activity is used to manage access to payroll and absence related data for defined user groups.


In order to perform this activity, a data access user group is required to be registered in the Define Access Group window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Data Access

Related Window Descriptions

Data Access


  1. Open the Data Access window.
  2. Populate or search to find a user group for which you want to manage data access rights.
  3. In order to manage access to a specific type of data, go to the relevant tab. E.g., go to the Absence Type tab to manage access to absence related information.
  4. Create a new record on the tab you selected and specify the data (e.g. parameter, wage code) to which you want to manage access. You can type them in manually or use the list of values.
  5. If you want to download a set of parameters or regulations or documents, right-click the table and click Get All or Copy from Group.
  6. Select the Is Enabled check box if access should be granted to the data.
  7. Select the Can Modify check box if persons belonging to the user group should be allowed to modify the data.
  8. Select the Can Remove check box if persons belonging to the user group should be allowed to remove the data.
  9. If you want to change the access setting to multiple data simultaneously, select the required data and use the relevant right-click options.
  10. Save the information.