When employee's employment is terminated, a checklist can be generated with
all the actions that need to be performed in relation to the termination
procedure, e.g., returning an access card or a mobile phone. This activity is
used to create an e-mail that will be automatically sent to employees
responsible for an action from the checklist.
Note: This activity has to be performed by an application owner. If you do not have
application owner privileges, contact your system administrator.
There are no prerequisites.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, a mailing event will be configured to send
emails to relevant persons when employee's employment is terminated.
There are two types of mailing events you can configure. Each can be
triggered when the Terminate Employment assistant generates a
checklist of actions that have to be completed in regards to employment
termination. Two emails can be configured, one addressed specifically to
employees whose employment ends, and another to people responsible for actions
that have to be taken in regards to the employment termination.
Select email to configure:
Open the Events window.
row and click Create New Actions. The
New Event Action window will open.
In the new window, ensure that action type is set to E-Mail.
Select the Enabled check box.
In the Action Description field, enter a general description of
the action, in this case a mail that will be sent to an employee whose
employment is being terminated.
In the To field, drag the RESPONSIBLE_PERS_EMAIL from the
Eventtab. This will cause the mail to be addressed to the
employee regarding the action he should take.
In the Subject field, enter the title of the mail. Note: Optionally, it is a good idea to drag TERMINATION_PROCESS_ID
item into the title of the mail so that the employee knows the ID of his
or her case.
In the Attach Files field, you can select files you want sent as
mail attachments.
In the Message field, compose the body of your mail. Use the
available substitution fields (located on the Event and
General tab) to insert parts of the mail which will change
dynamically based on the recipient of the mail.
Available event-specific substitution fields:
COMPANY_ID - the identifier of employee's company.
EMP_NAME - name of the employee whose employment is being
EMP_NO - identifier of the employee whose employment is being
EXECUTED_TIME_STAMP - the date and time on which the
employment was terminated by the assistant.
LEAVING_CAUSE_TYPE - the reason why employee's employment was
terminated, entered in the Reason for Leaving field.
MESSAGE_STRING - a string of information related to
employee's case and the action that triggered the mail to be sent. The
message string consists following information:
Termination Process Activity: [Name of the activity] - [Due Date]
RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_ID - the identifier of a person whose
employment was terminated.
RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_NAME - the name of a person whose
employment was terminated.
RESPONSIBLE_PERS_MAIL - the email address of a person whose
employment was terminated.
TERMINATION_PROCESS_ID - the identifier of the termination
Save the event.
Open the Events window.
Right-click the
NOTIFY_EMP_CHCKLIST_RESPONSIBLES row and click Create New Actions. The
New Event Action window will open.
In the new window, ensure that action type is set to E-Mail.
Select the Enabled check box.
In the Action Description field, enter a general description of
the action, in this case a mail that will be sent to an employee whose
employment is being terminated.
In the To field, drag the RESSPONSIBLE_PERS_EMAIL from the
Eventtab. This will cause the mail to be addressed to the
person responsible for the action that should be taken.
In the Subject field, enter the title of the mail. Note: Optionally, it is a good idea to drag TERMINATION_PROCESS_ID
item into the title of the mail so that the employee knows the ID of his
or her case.
In the Attach Files field, you can select files you want sent as
mail attachments.
In the Message field, compose the body of your mail. Use the
available substitution fields (located on the Event and
General tab) to insert parts of the mail which will change
dynamically based on the recipient of the mail.
Available event-specific substitution fields which can be used:
COMPANY_ID - the identifier of employee's company.
EMP_NAME - name of the employee whose employment is being
EMP_NO - identifier of the employee whose employment is being
EXECUTED_TIME_STAMP - the date and time on which the
employment was terminated by the assistant.
MESSAGE_STRING - a string of information related to
employee's case and the action that triggered the mail to be sent. The
message string consists following information: Termination Process Activity: [Name of the activity] - [Due Date]
RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_ID - the identifier of a person
responsible for the action.
RESPONSIBLE_PERSON_NAME - the name of a person responsible
for the action.
RESPONSIBLE_PERS_MAIL - the email address of a person
responsible for the action.
TERMINATION_PROCESS_ID - the identifier of the termination