Create an Employee Using an Existing Person Person ID


This activity is used to start the assistant to create a new employment for a Person already registered in the system. In other words, you will employ the existing person.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, once the employee is created based on the candidate, the candidate's status will change to Employed.


Employment Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Employment Assistant


  1. Open the Employment Assistant window.
  2. In the Select Configuration area, enter the assistant configuration. It will determine what steps and fields are available in the assistant.
    Note: A configuration can be automatically suggested to you if it was set up that way.
  3. In the Select Template area, you can select an assistant template (if available). The template will fill in some of the assistant's fields.
  4. In the Select Option area, select the Appointed Candidate Employment option.
  5. In the field located below the option, enter the identifier of a candidate who you want to employ.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Proceed to the next activity to fill in the assistant steps