Analyze Eco-footprint per Part History Graph


This activity is used create a graph that shows the history of part emission calculation for a specific part and the selected substance code.


System Effects



Eco-footprints per Part History Graph

Related Window Descriptions

Eco-footprints per Part History Graph


  1. Open the Eco-footprints per Part History Graph window.
  2. Populate or query for the part number.
  3. In the Substance No list, select a substance code.
  4. If you want to make the selection more specific, you can select an emission media code.
  5. Under LCA Stages, select the suitable check box. If you select the Cradle to Gate Emissions check box, the graph displays the eco-footprint of the selected part during the partial life cycle from the production to the factory gate. If you select the Use Emissions check box, the graph displays the eco-footprint of the selected part during the partial life cycle when the product is in-use. If you select the End of Life Emissions check box, the graph displays the eco-footprint of the selected part at the end of the product life.
  6. Click Show Graph.