DOP Gantt Chart

[To Make to Order Planning]


Use this tab to view a Gantt chart of the DOP structure for the current DOP Header. The right side of the Gantt chart displays a horizontal activity bar for each DOP order in the structure. The time period between the Start Date and the Due Date controls the length of the activity bar. If the structure has been netted or released with pegging, supply orders will also be displayed beneath their associated DOP order. The supply order can be a Shop Order, Purchase Requisition Line, Purchase Order Line, or an Inventory Reservation.

The activity bars are displayed in different colors which correspond to the order status. A single color can represent several statuses, since there are different statuses for each type of supply.

The activity bars reflect the site manufacturing calendar. The activity bar represents working hours, while non-working hours are represented with a line which extends from the activity bar.

The critical path for the DOP structure is computed and displayed in the Gantt chart. The critical path is the branch or sequence of DOP orders from a leaf node to the top node with the longest cumulative lead time. A leaf node is one without children or components, and the top node is the final assembly without a parent. Lead time is the number of calendar working days from the start date up to and including the due date. If the parent and child start and due dates overlap due to a manufacturing offset or a schedule change, the overlapping days will be not be counted twice. The child order due date is normally the working day before the parent start date. A yellow activity bar is attached below the normal activity bar for the DOP and supply orders in the critical path.

The Gantt chart display timescale is set from 4 days before the earliest DOP order start date in the structure to 60 days later. If the DOP header due date is more than the 60 days later, the timescale is optimized to show the entire period in a reasonable window. The timescale can be magnified or reduced by dragging on the date ribbon above the chart display. The timescale start and end dates can be modified using the Edit Time Scale right-mouse button option. You may also remove or add the Time-Now Line and Month/Week grid using the corresponding right-mouse button option.

The activity bar RMB menu allows you to navigate to the detail screen for the DOP order or supply order associated with the activity. The print and export functions are also available using the right-mouse button menu. The Gantt chart can be printed to any Windows printer, and options are available for resizing it across pages, printing in landscape format, or printing selected sections of the chart. The chart can also be exported to various file formats.

The left side of the tab is a table displaying information for each activity bar. The columns are described below. Left-clicking on the date columns moves the display to the corresponding order date. The activity bar RMB menu is also available in the table.

The table area can be increased/decreased by dragging on the splitter bar between the table area and the Gantt chart. Each table column can be resized by dragging on the dividing lines.

Note that the XGantt Active X component must be installed before the Gantt Chart tab is displayed on the form. This is normally done as part of the IFS/Client installation process.

Activity Diagrams

Maintain DOP order/structure


Study DOP structure from Gantt chart