Approval Routing

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Use this tab to maintain the approval process for:

Each approval step can have one or more registered persons or groups who will approve or reject the step. This means that you can have parallel approval routings with several person groups able to simultaneously approve an object. Steps must be approved in sequence. A step cannot be approved or rejected if a prior step is awaiting approval (or if that step has been rejected). From the Attachments/approvals, you can display this by clicking Attachments (on the context pane).

Activity Diagrams

Create Document 
Approve And Release Document Without Approval Process

Approve And Release Document With Approval Process

Prepare For Release
Release Part Revision
Enter Project Item Information
Approve Risk Analysis with Approval Process
Approve Project Forecast with Approval Routing
Approve Project Forecast without Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget with Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget without Approval Routing


Establish Approval Routing
Approve Step
Reject Approval Step