Calculate Forecast


This activity is used to perform a forecast calculation on the selected vehicle part. When you have evaluated material and capacity requirements, you may want to run a new forecast on another operational budget to analyze the results. Therefore, when you perform this calculation, you need to enter the year for which the forecast is required. Forecast calculations can be run as a background job as it can be time consuming. You can query for the background job on the Background Jobs window to make sure it is being executed or has been completed. 

Forecast calculations are based on the operational history records of a maximum of three years. The calculation of a yearly forecast is based on operational budget values, and the proportional numbers are calculated based on the operational history and yearly forecast values. 

Calculation results can be viewed in the Forecast Calculation Results window. 



System Effects

The forecast calculation will be executed on a selected year. Thereafter, you can view the estimated requirements for serials, spare parts, and consumables. The forecast also estimates the requirement for workshops and different resources (person groups). 


Forecast Information
Vehicle Parts 

Related Window Descriptions

Start Forecast Calculation 
Forecast Information 
Vehicle Parts 


Follow this procedure to perform a forecast calculation on a vehicle part.

  1. Open the Forecast Information window or the Vehicle Parts window.
  2. Query (F3) for the vehicle part number for which you want to perform the calculation.
  3. Right-click and then click Forecast Calc. The Start Forecast Calculation dialog box opens.
  4. In the Enter Start Year field, enter the year for which the forecast calculation is to take place.
  5. Select the Run In Background check box if you want to run the calculation as a background job.
  6. Click OK