Review Assembly Shop Order Modifications

Use this activity to specify the modifications to be performed on the parent part being received. The task list generated from the work scope process may indicate modifications to be performed. These modifications will indicate the actual parts that are affected by the modification. If the part being received is identified as one of these affected parts, then the modification may be required to be performed on the part. You can identify that all, some, or none of the indicated modifications are to be performed on the part being received.


This activity requires the reservation of a serial number for the part being received to the assembly shop order. It also requires the existence of modifications defined for the part being received.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the specific modifications will be identified. The modifications will be used to indicate the appropriate repair codes.


Receive MRO Shop Order

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Review Assembly Shop Order Modifications/Modifications


  1. Records in this tab are automatically created when the assembly shop order is released. Users cannot manually create or delete modification records here. Assembly shop orders are usually automatically released when reservations are made to them from component disposition or assembly shop orders. Assembly shop orders can also be manually released when they are in state Planned.
  2. Type comments in the Mod Comments column, if appropriate.
  3. Decide if the modification should be included or excluded using the Mod Included list.
  4. Click Save.