Automatic Disassembly


Use this activity to perform automatic disassembly based on the off log from the MRO interim order tree structure, i.e. creation and processing of all disassembly MRO shop orders for the complete tree structure or a selected branch.

This is a right mouse button option which can be executed from either the header of the MRO Interim Order Structure or from the tree structure. If it is executed from the header, then an automatically disassembly is executed for all branches related to the module selected. If it instead is executed from the tree structure, then an automatically disassembly is executed of the branch selected.

It is also possible from the Disposition Summary window to record disassembly for components added to the work scope after release of MRO interim order structure.


This activity requires that an MRO interim order structure exists in Released status¨.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an automatically disassembly is executed for all- or a selected branch.


MRO Interim Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

MRO Interim Order Structure


MRO Interim Order Structure window

  1. Open the MRO Interim Order Structure window and search for the Interim Header Id which you would like to perform an automatic disassembly for.
  2. Right-click in the MRO Interim Order Structure Header and select the option Automatic Disassembly. An automatically disassembly is executed for all branches related to the module selected.

    Note: You can also perform this action from the tree structure, then is an automatically disassembly is executed of the branch selected.

MRO Disposition Summary window

  1. Open the Disposition Summary window and search for the Work Order No which holds the component, included in the work scope, to be disassembled.
  2. Right-click from the line and select the option Record Disassembly. An automatically disassembly is executed for the component.

    Note: A check is then performed to secure that the component’s parent is disassembled. If not, it is disassembled before the requested disassembly is performed for the component.