Off Logs and On Logs

Expected Off Log

When the interim order for the work scope is released, the expected off-log is created. This log will hold a copy of the serial structure in Fleet and Asset Management, as it is created after the Disk Sheet updates have been performed by the customer. You can use the expected off log to view a snapshot of the overhaul object's serial structure which is shown in a multilevel format.

Once the first disassembly order is started, the serial structure in Fleet and Asset Management will no longer be intact. This is because the sub-serials that are disassembled from the overhaul object's structure are removed from the associated serial structure. Consequently, the expected off-log can be used to view details of the overhaul object's structure, as it was, before the start of the maintenance process.

Note: The expected off-log will never change, and it retains information of the original structure throughout the entire maintenance process.

Actual Off Log

The off-log is created simultaneously with the expected off log and is updated with the structure changes initiated from the disassembly orders. When different part found scenarios (DPF scenarios) occur during the disassembly process, the off-log is updated accordingly. The off-log holds information on the sub-parts or structure branches that were included in the shop visit's maintenance; information on unopened structure branches will not be included in the off-log.

Note: When an assembly shop order is closed for each level in the structure, the associated structure in the off-log is closed.

Expected On Log

The expected on-log is created when a preliminary conformance check is performed on an assembly shop order or at the first issue of material on the assembly shop order. This log is created [or updated] on a level-by-level basis each time the preliminary conformance check is run on an assembly shop order. You can use the expected on-log to view a snapshot of the serials reserved on the assembly shop order for the structure or sub-structure.

Note: The expected on-log is closed when the last assembly shop order is completed.

Actual On Log

The on-log is created when the last assembly shop order on the work scope is completed and when the associated MRO work order reaches the Work Done status. The on-log holds a copy of the overhauled object’s structure at the time it is created, before it is returned to the customer.