Evaluate and Add Modification Events to the Work Scope


This activity is used to add one or more modifications to a work scope. Usually the mandatory modifications, due modifications, and modifications included in the customer baseline (i.e., those which have not been complied with as yet) are transferred to the work scope. Apart from the mandatory modifications and due modifications, you can choose the modifications you want added to the work scope. For instance, if a modification which is not due nor assigned to a serial exists, and this modification is applicable for a particular serial, you can choose to add the modification to the work scope, as per your requirements.

When you want to manually add modifications to the work scope you need to select the All Not Complied option to populate the table with modification records for which the Include in Work Scope? check box can be modified. To view all modifications for the serial structure irrespective of whether the modifications have been complied with or not, select the All option. To only view the modifications that have been previously complied with select the All PCW option. If you want to create a decomply event(s) select the All option or the All PCW option. To decomply a modification, a decomply event must be created before the modification can be added to the work scope. To view modifications that are currently included in the work scope and/or, if required to remove modifications from the work scope, select the All Running option.

Note: Only one revision of the modification can be included in the current or any other ongoing work scope for the overhaul object. To include a new revision of the modification, the previous revision must either be removed or canceled from the relevant work scope.


System Effects


Maintenance Event Summary 

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Event Summary/Modification
Shop Visit/Visit Defaults/Modification Baseline
Define Work Scope/Work Scope Mx Events
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Affected Part Mx Events


Use the following procedure to add an event to the work scope:

  1. Open the Maintenance Event Summary window. 
  2. Query (F3) for the work order for which you want to create the work scope.
  3. Click the Modification tab.
  4. Click the All Not Complied option to view the modifications that can be included in the work scope.
  5. In the table of the tab, select the Include in Work Scope? check box for the modifications you want to include in the work scope.
  6. Optionally, you can verify if the modification(s) and its affected parts have been included in a work scope.

Use this procedure to create a decomply event to be included to the works cope at a later date:

  1. Open the Maintenance Event Summary window.
  2. Query (F3) for the work order for which you want to create the work scope.
  3. Click the Modification tab.
  4. Click either the All or All PCW option and identify the modifications that have been complied with that you want to decomply.
  5. Select the row, right-click and select the Create Maintenance Event for Decompliance option. Confirm the decomply of modification event to complete the creation of the decomply event.
  6. Click the All Not Complied option to ensure that the decomply event is now visible to be included in the work scope.