[IFS/BR Report Mode Help Guide]

Report Options

This page provides an overview of the report options available in IFS Business Reporter. The report options are defined in Design Mode and in Report mode the options dialog can be used to display current settings. The options are grouped into categories and can be found in the Report Options dialog started frin the IFS Business Reporter ribbon.

NOTE: that the dialog also can display some additional execution options, options that by default should always be selected to get best transfer performance and memory usage as well as the best possible report rendering. To see these options, use the key stroke <Right Click> <Right Click> <Right Click> <Left Click>


Options under this category controls execution, caching and display behaviour.

Execution Options

Options under this sub category controls the execution behavior.

Cache Options

Options under this sub categeory controls the cache behaviour.

Display Options

Options under this sub categeory controls the display behaviour.


Save and Publish

Options under this category controls save and publish behaviour.

Save/Publish Options

Options under this sub category controls save and publish behaviour.



Options under this category controls Writeback behaviour.

Writeback Setting

Options under this sub category controls Writeback specific settings.

Writeback Options

Options under this sub category controls Writeback specific behaviour.


Debug Options

Options under this category are related to debug.

Debug Options

Options under this sub category specifies options related to debug of a IFS Business Reporter report.