Export Excel Report without Business Reporter


This activity is used to save and/or email the generated Excel report without attaching Business Reporter functionality. You can save the Excel report on the local disk, send the excel report to email recipient (MS Office Outlook) or do both.

The Excel report without Business Reporter functionality is exported for two main purposes.

Once the Excel report is exported you can save the executed report with Business Reporter functionality in the Business Reporter export archive and/or in the local disk. This Business Reporter report can be used as the base to import external data from an updated version of the exported Excel report without Business Reporter. The saved reports can also be used for later reference.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the following system effects would take place depending on the method of export selected.

Method System Effect
Save on disk The Excel report without Business Reporter is saved in the specified location.
Save on disk and email The Excel report without Business Reporter is saved in the specified location. In addition, an e-mail composing window will open in MS Outlook and the  Excel report without Business Reporter will be attached to it.
Email An e-mail composing window will open in MS Outlook and the Excel report without Business Reporter will be attached to it.

If you export the Excel report for later import, the Business Reporter report will also be saved in the Business Reporter export archive irrespective of the method, with a default expire date of sixty days.

Related Process Models

Export Report

Related Activity



To export an Excel report:

  1. Execute the Business Reporter report you want to export.
  2. In the IFS Business Reporter ribbon click Export to open the Export to Excel Report dialog box.
  3. Select either Export to Excel Report option or the Export to Excel Report for Later Import option in the header of the dialog box.
  4. Select either Save on Disk, Save on Disk and Email, or Email in the Export Excel Report Without BR tab as required.
  5. If you selected either Save on Disk or Save on Disk and Email, click Browse to specify the location in disk where you want to save the report.
  6. Change the default File Name if required.
  7. Click Export if you do not want to save the Excel report with Business Reporter attached. If you want to save the Excel report with Business Reporter attached, click on the Save BR Report tab.
    Note: If you selected Export to Excel Report for Later Import option in the header of the dialog box, the report is automatically saved in the Business Reporter export archive. Therefore, you will be required to use the Save BR Report tab only if you want to save the report with Business Reporter attched on your local disk.
  8. Select Save BR Report to Archive and/or Save BR Report to Disk check boxes depending on where you want the report saved.
  9. If you selected the Save BR Report to Disk check box, enter the location on disk where the report should be saved in the File Path field. You can browse for the relevant location.
  10. Modify the report name suggested in the Report Name field if required.
  11. Click Export.