Enter Report Access Settings in BR Archive


This activity is used to specify users that should have access to a selected report in the Business Reporter Export Archive. The owner of a report (i.e. the user who saved the report in the Business Rerporter export archive) will have access to it by default. The Business Reporter super users (i.e. users with the User role that will be granted access to all Fact and Dimension views in each module parameter defined in the Business Reporting & Analysis - System Parameters window of IEE) have access to all reports in the Business Reporter export archive.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the selected users will have access to the report and they will be able to do the following:

Related Process Models

Manage BR Export Archive

Related Activity



To enter report access settings:

  1. Click Manage Export Archive to open the Manage Archive dialog box.
    Note: Once you export the Excel report without attaching Business Reporter functionality, you will be asked whether you want to manage the archive. You can open archive dialog by clicking Yes when the question appears.
  2. Select a report in the Report Selection tab and then click on the Report Access tab.
  3. Add the required users to the Users field using the List of Values.
  4. Add the required user groups to the User Groups  field using the List of Values.
  5. Save the information.