Cube Dimension - VIM Serial

This cube dimension represents the Serial Structure Information, part of Vehicle Information Management, and is based on the IFS Applications dimension DIM_VIM_SERIAL. All cubes that refers to this dimension will have the attributes and hierarchies as described below.


Attribute Hierarchy Description
Eng Part Revision NO Part revision for the serial
Location Code NO Location Code for the serial
Maint Group NO Maint Group Code
Maint Group Desc NO Maint Group Description
Maint Prog Id NO Risk Consequence ID - Consequence Description
Maint Prog Rev NO Maint Prog Revision No
Manufactured Date NO Article Manufacturing Date
Manufacturer Part No NO Manufacturer's article number
Operational Condition NO Operational Condition
Operational Status   Operational Status
Owner Desc   Owner Organization Description
Owner Org   Owner Organization Code
Owning Customer No   Owning Customer Code
Part Desc   Part Description
Part No   Part Number
Part Ownership   Type of ownership description
Quarantined   Quarantined TRUE/FALSE
Serial No   Part Serial Number
Structure Address   Structure Position Address
Template Part No   Template Part Number
Template Part Rev   Template Part Revision Number
Vehicle Id   Vehicle Id
VIM Serial   Partno + Serial No +Part Description
Workshop Code   Workshop Code

Used By Cube

Cube Name

ETL Information

ETL Step File Name of SSIS Package Table Name


ETL Step File Name of SSIS Package Table Name
E - Stage 1.1.146 Load IFSAppl_DIM_VIM_SERIAL_BI.dtsx IFSAppl_DIM_VIM_SERIAL_BI
T - DW 2.1.146 Load Dw_DIM_VIM_SERIAL.dtsx Dw_DIM_VIM_SERIAL
L - DM 3.1.146 Load Dm_DIM_VIM_SERIAL.dtsx Dm_DIM_VIM_SERIAL