Verify Default Values


Use this activity to enter or change default values that are specific to a particular installation of the system. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

Changing default values allows system defaults to be changed instead of requiring hard code changes in the programs. 

Changes to default values affect all application users. For example, if the entry code DEVELOP_LEV has a default value of 1, any new revisions will automatically be set to develop level 1. The development levels are defined in the Product Basic Data/Develop Levels window. A default value of R01 for entry code PART_REV means that the first part revision created for an engineering part will automatically be set to R01.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Product Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Product Basic Data/Defaults


To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Product Basic Data window and click the Defaults tab.
  2. Query for the default values you wish to change.
  3. To change the default unit of measure value, use the UNIT_CODE default field.
  4. To change the default development level setting, use the DEVELOP_LEV default field.
  5. To enable Replace Revision, select Value 0 in the REPLACE_REVISION default field. To disable Replace Revision, select Value 1.
  6. To change the default PDM site from which all PDM part cost calculations are taken when updating part cost and lead time, use the PDMCON_SITE field.
  7. Save the changes.