Define Progress Templates per Site


This activity is used to connect one or more work progress templates to a site. Work progress templates are used to calculate the progress of a work order.

For each site, a default template can be defined. This is done automatically or manually by using the available menu option. The default template is used as the default for all work orders on the site, where it is used to calculate progress on work orders.


To perform this activity, work progress templates must be defined in Work Task Basic Data.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the progress for all work orders on the site can be calculated based on the connected template.



Related Window Descriptions

Site/Extended Site Info
Site/Extended Site Info/Maintenance


  1. Open the Site window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary site.
  3. Click the Extended Site Info/Maintenance tab and create a new record (F5) in the table of the window.
  4. In the Progress Template field, enter the template. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. Save the information (F12). The Default Template check box will be selected automatically upon saving, provided that a default template is not already defined.

Note: The default progress template for the site can be changed by right-clicking on the required progress template record, and then clicking Set Default.