Define Cancellation Cause


This activity is used to define cancellation causes applicable for either work order, work task, work assignment or work task step.

In Fleet and Asset Management, a cancellation cause will be required when you cancel a maintenance order, maintenance event or task card/subtask that has been issued to a workshop. In order to use cancellation causes for these instances, the Maint Order, Maint Event and Work Task check boxes need to be selected based on your requirements. Following dependencies must be considered:



System Effects

The cause for cancellation is created and can be used to cancel work orders, work tasks, work assignments, work task steps, maintenance orders, maintenance events, and task cards/subtasks.


Work Task Basic Data
Maintenance Event Basic Data  

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task Basic Data
Work Task Basic Data/Cancel Cause
Maintenance Event Basic Data 
Maintenance Event Basic Data/Cancel Cause  


  1. Open the Work Task Basic Data window or the Maintenance Event Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Cancel Cause tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter a value in the Cancel Cause field. You can enter a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters here.
  4. In the Description field, enter a short description for the defined canceling cause.
  5. Select the relevant check box to enable the cancel cause for Work Order, Work Task (and task cards/subtasks in Fleet and Asset Management), Work Assignment, Task Step, Maintenance Order or Maintenance Event.
  6. Save the record (F12).