Create Company In All Components


This is the main activity in the Create/Update company process. All data defined during the previous activities will now be sent from the client to the business logic server, and processed by all components supporting the process in order to create basic data for the company.


System Effects

A company will be created as a result of this activity. The processing is performed according to the following:

It is important to point out that this activity will never fail, i.e., if errors are found, then these errors are logged and the activity will continue. This means that the company will be created at least in IFS/Enterprise.

It is also important to point out that updating a company always means that basic data and translations are added. Update Company will never remove or update any data in the current company.

Some possible scenarios:

There are some major differences worth noting if this activity as performed in order to create a completely new company or to update an existing company:

There are two Logical Units that are handled in a special way:

If the result of this activity is not satisfactory then it may be possible to remove the company. Whether this is possible or not depends on the currently installed components. If the installation is a purely IFS Financials installation, then it is always possible to remove the company. Removal of a company can be performed by the creator of the company or by a user that is privileged to remove the company.
See the help file for the Company window in IFS/Enterprise for more information.

If the activity ends with a successful creation or update of a company, then you can start using the company.   It is however wise to go through all other activities in the Create/Update Company process to verify that the basic data of the company fulfills the criteria of an active company.


Create Company Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Create Company Assistant


  1. Verify that supplied company data is correct. If the company is updated, the update must have been configured correctly.
  2. Click Finish/OK to start the processing.
  3. When the processing has ended, a message will be displayed to notify you of the result. If any errors have occurred, the recommendation will be to review the information in the Create Company Component Log window, launched by a right-click in the Companieswindow in IFS/Enterprise.