Load External Input File


Use this activity to perform the load file step after having defined an external load header and defined input parameter values.

This is the first step when performing a Complete Input Flow. The file is located, opened and each line is sent to External Files.
Normally this activity is performed when the load is in state Empty. It is however possible to perform the activity even if the the load has another state than Empty. In this case the file pointed out by the load will be read and the status will be reset to Loaded.


An external load must have been created and should preferably be in state Empty.

It is important that specified file path and file name really exists. This especially applies to batch processing since it is not possible to perform any validation before starting this activity.

System Effects

The input file will be read an all lines will be defined as external transaction lines and can be seen in the External File Transactions window. The load will get the state Loaded.


External File Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

External File Transactions


  1. Open the External File Transactions window.
  2. Find the external load by performing Populate or Query.
  3. Right-click in the header section, click Input File and then click Load External Input File to start the load of the input file.
  4. Confirm message.