You can use a selection template to include a variety of selection parameters. The selection parameters will determine the final result of a report or a proposal.
There are two types of selection templates;
AR selection template is defined in account receivable ledger and AP selection template is defined in accounts payable ledger. It is possible to define any number of selection templates. Selection templates have the following benefits to the user;
The ownership of the selection template could be made either Public or Private and the person that owns the selection template has full control over modifying it. If the ownership is Public, it can be used and modified by other users. However, if the ownership is Private, such a template can only be modified by its owner but it can be used by other users. At any given instance, there can only be one public template for the company and/or one default private template for a given owner.
A selection template consists of a set of selection objects such as Customer ID, Customer Group, Payer, Currency...etc. These selection objects can be used with a set of operators such as equal, not equal, between, greater than, less than, include specific values, exclude specific values...etc
Only selection objects and operators are sufficient to define in the template. Values can be entered when ordering the report or creating the proposal depending on the requirement. It is possible to copy a template from one to another.
At the time of ordering the report or creating the proposal, the default selection template (Private templates are prioritized over Public template) of the respective ledger is selected. Modifications to the selected parameters/selection objects can be done by adding or removing information. If an operator of a particular selection object is selected as Incl Specific Values at the time of ordering, you have to first save and then include or exclude values.. When you save changes to selections at the time of ordering, it will not apply to a specific selection template. Using the create template function you can create a new AP/AR selection template if you require to maintain the selections for future use.
Currently the following proposals and reports are created using selection templates;
When a selection template is used to order a report or create a proposal, all selection objects connected to a particular template will be shown but some objects may not be applicable for the report you order. For example, if you order the Customer Ledger Open Items report based on a reminder template the report will be printed with no results. Therefore, you are advised to use the selection objects meaningfully.
Note: Balance in selection objects refers to the current opening balance in accounting currency of the customer or supplier or payer depending on the selection.