Define Warranty Condition


A warranty condition is the basic entity of warranty handling in IFS Applications. The warranty conditions must be defined and then connected to warranty type templates, which are then connected to objects in IFS Applications. Several warranty conditions can be connected to a warranty type template.

A warranty condition can, for example time, be size or distance restrictions. The minimum or maximum value defines the restriction, and the time unit or other unit of measure defines which kind of warranty it is. The warranty condition can then be connected to a warranty type. You can connect more than one warranty condition to every warranty type. If the warranty condition is related to time, a time unit should be specified and a valid duration can be calculated for this warranty condition when a sales part is delivered or a purchase part arrives. Three time-based unit of measures are allowed: day, month, or year. If a size or distance restriction is to be set for a warranty condition, the Other U/M column should be used. You are only able to enter a unit of measure in either the Time Unit column or the Other U/M column. The minimum and maximum values can be null. Values can be added later in the process.


System Effects

This activity results in a defined warranty condition. The condition ID is automatically generated by the system.


Warranty Conditions

Related Window Descriptions

Basic Data - Warranty Condition


  1. Select New.
  2. Enter a description of the condition in the Condition Description field.
  3. Specify either a time-based unit of measure in the Time Unit field or another type of unit in the Other U/M field.
  4. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):