Define Supplier Warranty Type Template


The supplier warranty type template is used to create predefined supplier warranties for an object. Warranty conditions must be defined and then connected to the warranty type template, which is then used when connecting warranty types to objects in IFS Applications. Several warranty conditions can be connected to a warranty type template.

The warranty type can be valid for the following cost types: Material, Expenses, Fixed Price, Personnel, and External. By default, all these check boxes are selected for supplier warranties, which means that the supplier will pay for these costs when the warranty is valid.

When the Customer Order Connection check box is cleared, the supplier warranty dates will be calculated when the part is received into inventory. When the check box is selected, the supplier warranty dates will be calculated when the part is delivered to the customer.

If the Convert To Customer Warranty check box is selected, a customer warranty will be created having the same information as the supplier warranty. This customer warranty is generated when the part is received into inventory.

The warranty conditions IDs are selected from the List of Values. The minimum and maximum values can be changed or omitted.


System Effects

A supplier warranty type template is created in the system. One or several warranty conditions may be connected to the warranty type template. If a note has been entered, the Note check box is selected.


Supplier Warranty Type Template

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Warranty Type Template


To create a new template:

  1. Select New.
  2. Enter an ID code for the template in the Template ID field.
  3. Enter a description of the template in the Description field.
  4. Optionally, clear the check boxes for any of the cost types that the warranty type should not be valid for.
  5. Save when completed.

To connect warranty conditions:

  1. Select a line in the lower part of the window and select New.
  2. Enter the Condition ID by using the List of Values or by typing it in manually.
  3. You may change or enter new minimum and maximum values in the Min Value and Max Value columns.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each warranty condition you want to connect to the warranty template.
  5. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):