Copy Assortment Node


This activity is used to make the creation of new assortments more efficient. Possibility is given to copy an assortment node and the underlying structure into another assortment. This does not have to be a new assortment. You can specify the name and description of the new assortment at the time of copying. The branch that is copied is placed directly under the copied to node. However, defaults entered for the existing assortment will not be copied to the new assortment


An assortment must be defined.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the copied assortment structure will be placed directly under the copied to assortment node.

All the parts that are connected to the previous assortment will be connected to the new assortment.





Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Assortment window and search for the assortment you intend to use for this activity.
  2. In the assortment structure, select the node which you want to copy to another assortment, right-click and then click Copy Assortment Node. This opens the Copy Assortment Node dialog box
  3. The copy from assortment and assortment node is selected. You can select whether to create a new assortment or copy to an existing assortment.
  4. If you want to create a new assortment, enter an ID in the Assortment field and a suitable description in the Description field.
  5. If you want to copy to an existing assortment, you can enter the assortment and assortment node or select from the list of values.
  6. Click OK.