Create Part Media Combination


This activity is used to define new part media combinations that will be used when configuring the Configuration window to display a main image. A part media combination is either connected to a configuration family defined in the Configuration Family window, or is based on a specific part and revision defined in the Part Configuration Revision window.

Combination factors that can be connected are characteristics connected to the configuration family.

The following hierarchy is used to display the main image:


System Effects

As a result of this activity, different images can be used depending on how a configuration is created.


Part Media Combination

Related Window Descriptions

Part Media Combination
Test Part Media Combination


  1. Open the Part Media Combination window and create a new record. 
  2. In the Config Family ID field, select a configuration family from the List of Values. This also sets the configuration family ID description, which defines the set of configuration characteristics that can be used within this combination.
  3. Optionally enter Part No and Spec Revision No for which this media combination is valid.
  4. Save the record. 
  5. Add a combination factor by clicking Add and select one of the characteristics in the list and press the ok button. The selected characteristic is shown to the left in the window. Continue to add as many combination factors as desired.
  6. Save your combination factors. New columns in the table representing the selected characteristics are shown.
  7. Create new rows in the table by selecting option values and combinations. Continue to add rows for all your different media options. Save the rows
  8. Open the Attachments panel and select Media.
  9. Select one row in the table. Drag and drop an image into the media area in the bottom of the screen.
    Note: You can also click on the Manage Media link to go to the Media Library Manager window, from there add record representing library item id:s of the media item type Image.
  10. To test part media combinations you can right-click and then click Test Combination.