Define Case Basic Data

This process is used to define the data that is used when entering new cases. Data is defined for the case attributes such as severity, priority, category, case type, case completion, and case focus.

The severity of a case is used to classify a case according to its importance. When entering basic data for a severity, you should specify a particular value as the weight. This value is unique for each severity and determines the importance of the case. For example, a case connected to the severity with a weight of 1 is more severe than a case connected to the severity with a weight of 2, and so on.

The case priority defined in this process enables you to prioritize between cases of the same severity. When entering basic data for a priority, you should specify a particular value as the weight. This value is unique for each priority and determines which cases will be handled first. 

When defining a case category, specify a case title, a case description, and case tasks. These templates will be automatically connected to the cases according to the category specified for each case.

The case types are used to define access rights to the cases. The users can access only the cases belonging to specified case types. 

When you define a case completion code, you enter a predefined error category. (The error category indicates the reason the case was created.) The completion code is assigned to the case at the time it is completed or closed. 

The predefined case focus enables you to define what the case owner should focus on at a given time, when working with a case.