Unacknowledge Direct Debiting /Customer Repayment Payment


The Unacknowledge Direct Debiting /Customer Repayment Payment activity is used to remove an acknowledgement from an already confirmed payment. This is useful if, for example, modifications are required or if the wrong payment was confirmed.


This activity requires that the status of the payment is set to Acknowledged in Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders and that the creation of payment has not been executed.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the creation of payment can no longer proceed. No voucher is created.


Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders


To Unacknowledge Direct Debiting Payment:

  1. Open Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders. Use either the Query or Populate function to find the payments you want to unacknowledge.
  2. Unacknowledge each line by selecting it and clicking the right mouse button Remove Acknowledgement of Payment.