Cancel Included Invoice Customer Payment Order Details


The Cancel Included Invoice Customer Payment Order Details activity is used when all invoices and pre-payments for a specific customer payment order ID are to be cancelled. A customer payment order cannot be deleted before all included items are cancelled.


This activity requires that the status for all included invoices and pre-payments in the actual payment order is set to Unacknowledged in Customer Payment Order Details.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the invoices are removed from the payment order and the order can be cancelled.


Customer Payment Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Payment Order Details


To Cancel Included Invoice in Customer Payment Order:

  1. Open Customer Payment Orders and Query or Populate for the actual payment order.
  2. Select payment order and click the right mouse button function Details to access Customer Payment Order Details.
  3. Mark each line and click the right mouse button function Cancel. When all lines are cancelled, exit the window.