Enter Credit Management Remark


The Enter Credit Management Remark activity is used for entering credit management notes on customer invoice header and lines. The notes are used in such instances as when the credit analyst needs to review an invoice. Depending on the note that is used, the credit analyst can automatically receive a message when a specific note is used. Only predefined notes can be entered.


This activity requires that information has been entered in the Notes Status tab of Credit Managemetnt Basic Data. The credit analyst must also be linked to a message group with the Send Message checkbox marked for the Message Type Notes Status Messages.The customer to which the invoice belongs must have the credit analyst specified in the Credit Info tab of Customer.

System Effects

When a user saves a credit management note with message allowed for Note Status, the message is sent to the credit analyst having note status messages setup.


Customer Invoices Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Invoices Analysis

Customer Invoice Analysis

Invoice Header Notes

Invoice Line Notes


To enter credit management remarks:

  1. Select Overview Customer Invoices. Use either Query or Populate to find the invoice. Click the right mouse button function Customer Invoice Details. In the General tab, click the right mouse button function Credit Management Notes to enter notes on the header level.
  2. To enter invoice notes on the line level, select the Lines tab in Customer Invoice Analysis. Click the right mouse button function Line Credit Management Notes to enter notes on a line level. Click Save