Customer Contacts

[To Customer Management] [To Sales Lead Management] [To Business Opportunity Management] [To Marketing Campaign Management] [To Account and Business Activity Management]


Use this window for an overview of all the customer contacts. This window consists of information about persons and customers. To view the details of a specific person, zoom on the Person ID field to go to the Person window. To view the details of a specific customer, zoom on the Customer ID field to go to the Customer window. Also you can right-click a customer contact record and click Customer Contacts to go to the Customer window.

You can right-click a customer contact record and click Add to Campaign to add a customer contact as a campaign target. The Select Campaign dialog box will then be displayed for you to select the campaign.

You can select customer contact records and right-click and click Mail Merge to perform mail merge. All mail merge operations are available in the mail merge menu option.

If you want to edit multiple records at once, right-click and click Multiple Edit. The Multiple Edit dialog box will then be displayed for you to edit.

Activity Diagrams

General Customer Information
Enter Marketing Campaign
Mail Merge
Enter and Handle Business Activity
Enter Business Opportunity
Handle Business Opportunity


Add Customer Contact to Marketing Campaign
Create Business Activity from Customer Contact
Create Business Opportunity from Customer Contact
Connect Customer Contact to Existing Business Activity
Connect Customer Contact to Existing Business Opportunity