Undo Check Out of Structure Documents


Use this activity to undo the check out of a structure document and its subdocuments. You can designate which documents in the structure are unreserved, and if their document files will be deleted from your local disk. 


A structure document must first be checked out. This structure document may or may not have subdocuments.

System Effects


Document Revision
Document Revisions

Related Window

Document Revision
Document Revisions
Document Structure Navigator


  1. Open the Document Revision window. 
  2. Query for a structure document that has been checked out.
  3. Right-click, click File Operations, and then click Undo Check Out to open the Undo Check Out Document Structure dialog box. The document files included in the currently checked-out document structure are listed in the dialog box. 
  4. To unreserve a document file, select that row's Unreserve check box.
  5. To delete a document file for local disk, select that row's Delete check box.
  6. Click OK to process your undo check out.

Note: These steps can also be performed in the Document Revisions or Document Structure Navigator window. Document Structure navigator can be opened from Document Revision window, Right-click, click Document Structure/Show in Navigator.