Enter Document Import Action


Use this activity to register a document import action to be executed for a particular application type after creating a document via Office Add-In or Lotus Notes Add-In or by drag and drop a files to Document revision form or Attachment panel - Documents.


System Effects


Document Import Actions

Related Window Descriptions

Document Import Actions


  1. Open the Document Import Actions window. 
  2. Click New to create an empty record.
  3. In the Action Name field, enter a name that describes the action to be performed.
  4. In the Form Name field, enter a name of the form that is to be opened when performing action. (e.g, tbwDocIssues, if the created documents should be opened in the Document Revisions form.) 
  5. Optionally, Enter a Default Class and Default Format. If no value is entered for the document class, it will be fetched from the value registered for DOC_CLASS for the object Create Document Dialog in the Document Default Values tab in Document Basic.
  6. In the Supported Application Types section, select applications on which the Action should be performed.
  7. Tick the Enabled check box to enable the registered Action and optionally select Allow to Skip Action check box which allows the user to skip the action.
  8. Optionally, select Display Create Documents Dialog if the dialog needed to be opened before creating documents, for entering or modifying data.
  9. The users who should have access to execute this action should be added under the Users section or if a group is need to be granted with access, add the group under the User Groups section. Also the records needs to be Enabled.
  10. Save.