Modify Contract Revision Line


Use this activity to add, modify, or delete contract revision lines. A contract can consist of zero or more lines, each of which can have zero or more items. Use the contract revision line to group contract items.

When modifying existing contract revisions, you can only modify the line name and line description on a contract line.

Contract revision lines can be deleted as long as the revision does not contain any revision line items. If a revision line should be deleted, all the items connected to the specific revision must be removed first. See the Modify Revision Line Items activity.

Note: When modifying or removing revision lines, if Application for Payment is used and applications in the Planned status exist, it is recommended to refresh the application for the latest contract information.


To add contract revision lines:

To modify contract revision lines:

To delete contract revision lines:

System Effects

Contract revision lines will be added, modified, or deleted.


Sales Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Contract/Items


  1. Open the Sales Contract window and click the Items tab.
  2. Select the revision to which a line is to be added. By default, this will be the active revision, or if there is no active revision, the most recent revision.
  3. Create a new record.
  4. Enter a line number, but if it is left blank, it will be calculated automatically by finding the highest line number for this contract and incrementing it by 1.
  5. Enter a value in the Line Name field.
  6. A line description can be entered, but is optional.
  7. Save the information.
  8. Repeat if necessary.
  9. To modify a contract revision, select the revision in which the line should be modified and modify the revision line as required.
  10. Save the changes.
  11. To delete a revision line, select the line and click Delete on the toolbar.
  12. Save the changes.