Enter No Part for Execution Item


This activity is used to enter a planned requisition no-part line for external resources, i.e., material without part number and external services.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a planned requisition no-part line is created. When the execution item is released, the information is transferred as a requisition line in status planned on the work order connected to work task.


Compatible Unit Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Unit Navigator/Work Lists
Compatible Unit Navigator/Work Lists/Requisition Planning
Compatible Unit Navigator/Work Lists/Requisition Planning/Part


  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator window.
  2. Search for an existing record.
  3. Select the appropriate execution item in the navigator.
  4. Click the Work Lists/Requisition Planning/No Part tab.
  5. Enter a new line and enter a value in the Line No, Description, Price and Buy Unit column.
  6. Optionally, enter a Job ID with the use of the List of Values.
  7. Enter other values as required.
  8. Save the information (F12).