Correct Vehicle Condition


This activity is used to correct a historical vehicle condition entry for a vehicle. It is possible to change the condition code and/or the condition date of the entry. This is useful when a vehicle condition has been entered incorrectly and needs to be corrected in the system.

Note: It is not possible to enter or correct the last entry in the vehicle condition history for the vehicle. This must be done by using the Change Vehicle Condition option (in Serial Structure Information/Vehicle). In addition, it is not possible to correct a vehicle condition entry when working with old serial information (i.e., where the vehicle has been renamed) or a serial that is locked.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a historical vehicle condition entry will be corrected for the vehicle. To easily identify corrected entries, the following information will be updated on the entry:


History per Serial
Vehicle Condition History List
Vehicle Condition History

Related Window Descriptions

Correct Vehicle Condition
History per Serial/Vehicle Condition
Vehicle Condition History List
Vehicle Condition History
Vehicle Condition History/General


  1. Open the History per Serial window. Alternatively, you can use the Vehicle Condition History List window or the Vehicle Condition History window to correct a vehicle condition entry.
  2. Click the Vehicle Condition tab.
  3. Select the relevant record, right-click, and click Correct Vehicle Condition. The Correct Vehicle Condition dialog box opens.
  4. In the New Vehicle Condition field, enter the correct vehicle condition for the change entry. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. In the New Condition Date field, enter the correct date and time the change was performed.
  6. In the Correction Remark field, enter the reason for correcting the vehicle condition entry.
  7. Click OK.