Archive Operational Loggings

With this functionality, it is possible to archive operational logging history records which are no longer required for daily work, thereby avoiding having large amounts of historical logging data in the system which can affect performance. The archived data remains available in the system for documentation purposes, but will not slow down the daily transactions as, for example, when performing an operational logging and asynchronous structure changes.

When historical operational logging records have been archived, certain restrictions will apply for asynchronous transactions (transactions that took place back in time but have not yet been entered into the system). It will not be possible to perform an asynchronous structure change or an asynchronous operational logging that goes back into the archived data. Furthermore, it will not be possible to register flights on flight logs with a date earlier than the latest archiving date.

The archived data can be restored. When a restore is performed, the archived data will be moved back to the operational logging history. A restore of archived data can typically be useful when something has incorrectly been archived, or when an asynchronous transaction was forgotten prior to the previous archiving.