Work Center Resource

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning]


Use this window to view and change information about a work center resource related to shop order operations in the schedule. A work center resource is one or more machines. 

This window contains three tabs. The Show Status tab contains status information about the resource object. The Show Contents tab contains detailed information about the resource object. The Show Relations tab contains information about objects related to the resource object. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations.

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Resource: The resource object for the defined work center resource. You can drag the resource object into the Gantt chart to display available time, unavailable time, and scheduling objects scheduled using this resource. To reschedule the operations associated with this work center resource, right-click the resource object and then click Schedule. To free up operations associated with this work center resource, right-click the resource object and then click Unschedule. These scheduling and unscheduling procedures can be performed on objects that have a status of Unscheduled, Assigned, or Scheduled. If there is an object with Released status that you want to reschedule, you must first drag its Released status to either Scheduled, Assigned, or Unscheduled. Note: If you want to move a booked time slot for a work center resource, you can drag the booked time into the Gantt chart using the left mouse button. However, the open slot to which you drag it may or may not be the time in which it will be scheduled. The reason is that when you are dragging the booked time, you are actually rescheduling the operations associated with the work center resource, and those operations may have other resources that they need at the same time. If the other resources for those operations are not available for the time slot you have specified, they will be rescheduled as close to that time as possible. 

Show Status

Status: The statuses of the operations related to this work center resource. The status of an operation may be Incomplete, Unscheduled, Assigned, Scheduled, Released, Partially Reported, and/or Tardy.

Start Date: The first date and time that operations related to this work center resource are scheduled to start.

Finish Date: The last date and time that operations related to this work center resource are scheduled to finish.

Show Contents

Capacity: The number of operations that can be performed concurrently at this work center resource. This will be 1 when the resource is set as infinite.

Resource Efficiency: The relative efficiency of this work center resource. This value is used to adjust the processing time of an operation.

Queue Time: The total amount of time operations spend in a queue at this work center resource.

Average Queue Time: The average amount of time operations spend in a queue at this work center resource.

Begin Date: The time and date when this work center resource will first become available. This resource will not be available for scheduling prior to this date. If this field is left blank, there is no beginning availability date restriction.

End Date: The time and date when this work center resource will no longer be available. This resource will not be available for scheduling after this date. If this field is left blank, there is no ending availability date restriction.

Calendar Start Date: The time and date when the calendar associated with this work center resource is set to begin. This resource will not be available for scheduling prior to this date. If this field is left blank, there is no calendar-associated starting restriction.

Calendar End Date: The time and date when the calendar associated with this work center resource is set to end. This resource will not be available for scheduling after this date. If this field is left blank, there is no calendar-associated ending restriction.

Resource Sharing Not Allowed: If this check box is selected, scheduling logic will not allow multiple operations to share the work center resource simultaneously. This check box selection is dependent upon the Work Center/Details tab/ Concurrent operation settings.

Resource Sharing Allowed:  If this check box is selected, scheduling logic will allow multiple operations to share the work center resource simultaneously. The simultaneous usage of work center resource will be based on the resource sharing information in the operation. This check box selection is dependent upon the Work Center/Details tab/ Concurrent operation settings.

Finite Resource Capacity: If this check box is selected then the scheduling logic will permit finite loading of this work center resource when scheduling. The operations can use the resource , i.e scheduling logic will assign operations to this resource up until its defined capacity is used in at a given time. If there is no enough capacity, then the scheduling logic will move the operation to any other time slot where there is enough capacity in the resource to occupy that operation. This might result in making the operation tardy. If the scheduling logic can not find any time slot to schedule the operation , then it will become unscheduled. Finite resource capacity is set in Work Center.

Infinite Resource Capacity:  If this check box is selected then the scheduling logic will permit infinite loading of this work center resource. Operations can be scheduled to be performed concurrently by this work center resource. The Infinite option allows you to experiment with the schedule and provides information that can help you plan the number of required work center resources. Because this option allows any number of operations to use this resource simultaneously, you can see how many were actually booked at the same time. When this option is selected, the following four additional fields appear to show how this infinite work center resource is being booked.  Infinite resource capacity is set in Work Center.

Overload Time: The amount of additional time that has been booked on this infinite work center resource that is in excess of the time that would be available if it were a single resource. For example, if a single resource were available for eight hours but this infinite resource was currently being booked for ten, then the overload time would be two hours. This value helps show how much additional capacity is being used as compared to the time that would normally be available for a single resource.

Overload Factor: A factor of the amount of additional time that has been booked on this infinite work center resource that is in excess of the time that would be available if it were a single resource. For example, if the overload time were two hours, as explained above, then the overload factor would be (2 hours/8 hours) = 0.25. This means that the work center resource has been overbooked by 25%. If a single resource were available for eight hours, and this infinite resource was being booked for 16 hours, then the overload factor would be 1.0, meaning that the work center resource was being overbooked by 100%. In such a case, two resources would be needed to meet the current load.

Overload Max: The maximum number of additional resources of this type that would be required to meet the load for this schedule as compared to a single resource. Consider, for example, a situation in which on the first day of the schedule two resources were required to meet the load, the next day five resources were required, and the third day three resources were required. In such a case, the overload max would be four, because on the second day five work center resources were required, which is four more than would be required if this were a single resource rather than an infinite one. 

Overload Min: The minimum number of additional resources of this type that would be required to meet the load for this schedule as compared to a single resource. Consider, for example, a situation in which on the first day of the schedule one work center resource was required to meet the load, on the next day five resources were required, and on the third day three resources were required. In this case, the overload min would be zero, because on the first day only one work center resource was required, meaning that no additional resources were required during that time period. 

Show Relations

Assigned Operations: A list of operation objects to which this work center resource has been assigned.