Gantt Detail

[About Constraint Based Scheduling] [About Scheduling Using the Advanced Planning Board][About Scheduling with Maintenance Planning Board]

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Use this pane to view detailed information about the object that is selected in the Gantt Overview.

If the selected object is an individual order or operation, this pane displays three tabs detailing the constituents of the selected object, the connected resources, and material. For other objects only the Details tab is displayed in this pane.For the description of each tab in the pane, follow the appropriate link: Details, Resources, Materials.

Furthermore if you have selected any scenario in the select scenario drop down menu, then this pane will show several tabs showing information related to the selected scenario.

For the description of each tab in the pane, follow the appropriate link. Note that some tabs are available only for certain scenarios depending on the solution (whether it is Maintenance Planning Board, Advance Planning Board, CBS Scheduling or Simulation Clients) : Schedule Overview, Show Orders, Show Tardy, Show Early/Ontime, Schedule Performance, Order Status Distribution, Order Tardiness Distribution, Past-Due Order Distribution, Tardy Work Center Resources, Tardy Labor Resources, Tardy Tool Resources, Tardy Material, Batch Balanced Shop Order Distribution, Activity Connected Shop Order Distribution, Project Connected Shop Order Distribution.

It is also possible to open new tabs detailing one or more selected objects. To do this, select one or more objects in this pane, right-click and then click either Show Object Detail in a New Tab or Show Object Details in Separate Tabs. Note that the number of separate tabs that can be displayed in this pane is restricted by the space available for it. Therefore if you open a large number of objects in separate tabs you might not be able to see all the tabs.

Note that the Detail Property pane displays the relevant properties of one or more objects that are selected in the Gantt Detail pane.

Activity Diagrams





Zoom In: Click this button to expand the time schedule to both the left and the right sides.

Lock Zoom Level: Click this button on the overview Gantt to lock the existing zoom levels, begin dates and end dates in time schedules for overview and detail panes of the Gantt chart. Click this on a Gantt chart detail pane to apply locks only to that particular Gantt chart as well

Zoom Out: Click this button to contract the time schedule from both the left and the right sides.