Enter Complementary Information


This activity is used to add complementary information on a case created by a customer user. It is particularly used by the customer main user to add complementary information on cases created by it's end users.


System Effects

As a result of this activity complementary information on the case is added.

Related Window Descriptions



Use the following procedure to add complementary information on a new and queued case.

Customer End User,

  1. Open the My Contact Center  Lobby Page.
  2. Find & choose the lobby element My New and Queued Cases.
  3. Pick and open the Case ID to add information.
  4. Click Edit command button.
  5. Add or modify the complementary information such as case description, business object, contacts.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Add a Contact Note if required.


Customer User,

  1. Open the Contact Center  Lobby Page.
  2. Find & choose the lobby element New and Queued Cases.
  3. Pick and open the Case ID to add information.
  4. Click Edit command button.
  5. Add or modify the complementary information such as case description, business object, contacts.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Add a Contact Note if required.