Manage Case

Request for Support

A case handling flow starts with a request for support from a customer. A request for support can be initiated in different ways such as by a phone call, an e-mail, fax, etc. Any type of customer initiated contact with a vendor's call center can be considered as a case. All the cases must be handled and responded to in accordance with the customer agreements and/or general policies. Every call must be registered. 

Support Key

The support key exists to handle known and supported customer installations.

Case Created

The case registration starts after a contact with a customer has been initiated. The customer reports a problem or makes a request for a service. When all the necessary information for the case, such as contact information, business object, case classification, and case description, is registered, the case is created and the status of the case is set to New. Also when you create a case, it is possible to access the critical information about valid support agreements and customer agreements. 

Case Dispatched

After verifying the contents of the case, and a solution for the case cannot found, the case is dispatched to the applicable support queue or assignee to accept and handle the case. The status of the case is set to Queued. If necessary, complementary information can be entered at this stage.

Case Task Dispatched

When the case has been accepted from the support queue, it should must be investigated and verified. If a solution for the problem is not found, one or more case tasks can be created. The case task can be dispatched to the applicable support queue or assignee to accept and handle the case task. The status of the case task is set to Queued. 

Case Task Completed

When the work on the case task has been completed, the status is set to Completed. If a handover reference has been created for a service order, customer order or a return material authorization, the case task is automatically set to Completed as the handover reference is also completed.

Case Solved

The case must be solved as soon as possible in accordance to the customer support agreement. It is important for customer satisfaction and for cost purposes. Therefore, it is also important to be able to find a suitable resolution to a problem as fast and as easily as possible.

If a solution is found for the case, any existing case tasks should be closed and the resolution should be entered.

Case Closed

When the case is solved, the status is set to Completed. However, before you can close the case, you need to complete the case resolution and send it to the caller. After that you can set the case to the Closed status and close the case.