Enter/Modify Annual Budget Amount


This activity is used to enter and modify annual budget values. Budget Year Amount also gives an overall view of the budget values entered, both period values and annual values. You can enter budget values for a unique code string in Budget Year Amount or Budget Period Amount. To use the annual budget values for comparison in queries and in the report generator, these values must be allocated. All comparisons are made to the period budget in query windows and reports.


Before entering annual budget values, you must have entered a budget version.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a budget version with values exists in the company.


Budget Year Amount

Related Window Descriptions

Budget Year Amount


Open Budget Year Amount. The window is divided into two parts. The budget version is displayed in the first part and must have an Active status. All existing budget values are displayed with the value type indicating how the value was created. In the second part of the window, the annual budget values are entered by code string. The code string cannot be changed. Instead, you must delete the row and enter a new code string.

Budget values can be of the following types:

You can work with all types of budget values in Budget Year Amount. If a budget value of the Period values or Allocated type is changed, the period budget value for the current code string is automatically deleted. The type is then changed to Not allocated.

Annual total amounts for code strings are entered in an annual budget. Distribution by period is controlled by specifying allocation keys or period intervals for budget values. Distribution is implemented by using either the Allocate All Year Values or Allocate Unallocated Year Values operations.

The Fixed Code String operation enables you to specify a code string with fixed code part values. The fixed code string is default when new budget values are entered. The fixed code string is active until you either enter a new fixed code string or terminate the work session. This option is available in both Budget Year Amount and Budget Period Amount.