Enter Budget Template Header Details


This activity is used to enter details regarding the budget template. The budget template will hold almost all information related to the budget process. The budget templates are visible based on the user role and the position of the user in the budget structure, i.e. if a user is the Responsible for a top level node, he/she is able to view the child level templates even if the user roles does not provide it. Templates can also be created in the Budget Templates window. Here you are allowed to create only the header details, after which you can use the right mouse button menu option Details to continue with the process. 


In order to perform this activity, budget processes and users' roles must have been defined.  

System Effects



Budget Template

Related Window Descriptions

Budget Template


To enter general budget template information:

  1. Open Budget Template window.
  2. Create a new record
  3. Enter an ID and a description for the new budget template.
  4. In the Budget Process ID field, enter the ID of the budget process you want to connect to the budget template. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant budget process.
  5. Modify the dates displayed in the From Year Period and Until Year Period fields if required.
  6. Select the Protected check box if you want to ensure that only the budget values can be changed by the person responsible. The combinations cannot be handled by the person responsible. Note: This check box is only editable for an administrator.
  7. Select the Readable for Other Users check box if you want it to be possible for all the user IDs entered in Budget User Roles window to view the budget template. Note: This check box is only editable for an administrator.
  8. In the Header Details tab, enter the due date for the budget template to be completed.
  9. Select the approver and the responsible persons using the List of Values. You can change the user group of the specified person responsible in the User Group field if required.
  10. Save the information.