Copy Budget Version


This activity is used to copy an existing budget version, i.e., a source budget. The copied budget values can replace existing budget values, or they can be added to the existing ones. The function copies all the budget values for the specified account interval.


Before copying a budget version, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of the copying, either new budget amounts are added or existing budget amounts are replaced.


Copy Budget Version

Related Window Descriptions

Copy Budget Version


Check that the source budget is entered in Budget Versions. Check also that the budget version for the destination budget is entered in Budget Versions and have status Active. Mark the line containing information for the source budget, then select the Copy Budget Version operation. The Copy Budget Version dialog box is displayed.

Check the values for the budget version you want to copy. You can limit the scope of the copy by specifying an account interval. Specify To Budget Year, and state the budget version for the destination budget. Use the List of Values button to view the budget versions that can be selected.

You can affect copied values by applying percentages. Specify a negative percentage rate if a reduction is required, or specify a positive percentage rate in order to increase all values.


Percentage rate        Effect on budget values

-10%                         10% reduction

0%                             No change

10%                         10% increase

If values already exist for the destination budget, you can either replace the budget values, add the copied budget year values to the existing budget year values, or add the copied budget period values to existing budget period values. Processing is ended with an acknowledgment.