Enter Audit Authority Type Data


Use this activity to define or edit audit authority types. Audit authority types categorize the different audit authorities and are used when defining audit authorities. Examples of possible audit authority types are quality departments, accredited certification bodies, customers, etc.



System Effects

As a result of this activity, new audit authority types are defined or existing ones are modified.


Audit Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Audit Basic Data/Audit Authority Type
Basic Data Translation


  1. On the Audit Basic Data window, click the Audit Authority Type tab.
  2. Create a new record. The Audit Type ID field can be manually entered or if left blank, it will be generated automatically from the system. (Only numeric values are allowed.)
  3. In the Description column, enter a description of the audit authority type. Entering a value in this field is mandatory.
  4. In the Notes column, enter a note regarding the audit authority type. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  5. Save when complete.

Note: You can translate the description into different languages using the basic data translation functionality. Select a record, right-click and then click Translation. In the Basic Data Translation window, enter descriptions per language.