Manage Outbound Integration Package

Description Of Process

This process is one where all the handling of an integration package designated for export, takes place. All actions prior to and leading up to the export of the integration package can be defined here.

Select Export Job

Before an integration package can be exported it should be of the job type Export. Only such a job can be classified as an export job and once selected it becomes the current job which can then go through all the other stages leading up to the actual export.

Analyze Before Export

This option allows you to view the contents defined on the integration package. When you start analyzing the outbound integration package you can see exactly which business objects are designated for export and their numbers which helps in deciding if modifications to the integration package are necessary.

Customize Export

If the integration package does not meet desired requirements it is possible to make changes to it by adding or removing business objects from the business object tree on the particular export job. It is also possible to further customize the integration package using the Tools/Options dialog box where you can redefine the maximum number of records that can be exported at a time.

Export to Integration Package

When this action is performed, the current integration package will be exported.