Inherit Additional Parts from Design Part


This activity is used to inherit additional parts to a design object from the connected design part. The design part with defined consists of parts serves as a template for creating additional parts for the design object. Both the design part and its additional consists of parts can be inherited by the design object provided that the Can have Additional Part class relation is set between all involved classes. If the design object's additional part registry is empty, the inheritance of the consists of parts on the design part takes place automatically, at the point of design part connection to the design object. In any other instance, the inheritance option can be performed manually in order to replace the existing list of additional parts with the design part consists of parts structure.


System Effects

Consists of parts inherited from the design part are connected as additional parts. If a valid project connection exists, these additional parts are automatically added as ERMPL demands.


Design Object
Design Objects

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Design Objects


  1. Open the Design Object, Design Objects window or expand a design object tree view in the Business Object Explorer.
  2. Search for the design object to which you want to inherit additional parts.
  3. In the Design Part field, enter the design part which has consists of parts, to connect to the object. Use the List of Values to select a suitable design part.
  4. Right-click and click Inherit Additional Parts from Design Part. The Inherit Additional Parts dialog box opens. A warning message appears warning you that the additional parts on the object will be removed and replaced with the additional parts defined for the connected design part.
  5. Click OK to inherit.