Executed BA Reports
Asset Design is capable of delivering number of different report
outputs using IFS/Business Analytics. For an example, Equipment Data/Specification sheets, Equipment List Reports, Boll of
Material Reports and Elemental Cost Plan Reports etc. etc.
- Equipment Data Sheet: A document that summarizes the performance
and other technical requirements of a Design Object that can be used to
distribute among design groups, suppliers and manufacturers in order to
identify supplier/manufacturer technical capability to satisfy the Design
Object's requirements. The same can be used as requirement documents for
purchasing equipment. In addition, an equipment data sheet can also be used
for, distributing technical information for review and storing technical
equipment information in Microsoft Excel format.
- Equipment Lists: A document that contains list of Design Objects
of the same type, status and their main technical requirements. For example
List of pumps, List of control valves etc. etc. which is required by
budgeting, estimation, installation and testing processes.
- Bill of Materials (BOM): A bill that quantify the material
requirements of Design Objects in a plant. An engineering bill of materials
is used to pass on to the procurement department once the designing of the
object is completed.
- Elemental Cost Plans: A report that present the planned cost
elements of Design Objects in a plant. An elemental cost plans, enable the
cost of a project to be monitored during design developments. These reports
are supportive of evaluating tenders against the first estimates of the
design and allocation of design budgets economically.
Any report output is tied to one or more report designs which are created
within MS Excel. It is necessary that IFS/Business Analytics is installed on the
client before a report is designed. These designs (report templates) are saved
and published in Business Analytics, possibly by an administrator, keeping them available to
order at any given moment of the business process. A resultant report output can
be tied onto a specific standard, plant, class, design object, design part,
project and many other business objects or combinations, through predefined parameters.